Welcome SU Basketball Fans

Some humorous and insightful progress of our Seattle U Men's Basketball team from a rabid alumus- Season four in return to Division I

Monday, February 7, 2011

Top Ten things to understand about 2011 Redhawk Basketball

To begin, two things.  One, Saturday Feb 5th Portland 71 Seattle U 55.  U of P now 17-7 and SU now 8-15.  Second, I have been to the "Late Show" and have been watching it for its entirety even when it was on NBC.  I will be always a Dave fan, I have a Late Show coffee mug and I have (or had) a Late Show sweatshirt until my dog chewed it up - I don't believe it had anything to do with his aversion to Dave or affection to Jay Leno, it was really my fault for leaving it on the bathroom floor unattended.  What does this all have to do with the SU Basketball Program you are thinking?  I love top ten lists and The Top Ten things you need to understand about why SU is 8-15 with 8 games left to go.  But why Steve are you not going to recap the Portland game?  Go to Goseattleu.com or read Bob Condatta or Jayda's Seattle Times Stories to get that.

This blog is about insightful information to educate the idiots that I get texts, emails, read and listen to from time to time that have a basketball IQ of 6.  Now this particular blog came about while sitting with many Highly Intelligent Basketball & Sports IQ people after the Portland game, which I was totally dejected about losing by 16 points and had to walk three blocks to move my car just one block to clear my head, that got me thinking.  I am going to refer to intelligent basketball people from now on to HIBSIQ and if you can't figure that out then I am glad some of you are reading.  Those with HIBSIQ we will do high fives later.

One of my HIBSIQ friends asked me if I had a 24 hour rule before I started blogging?  What?  Oh yeah - I get it - don't write something stupid and emotional.  Instead, think then write something intelligent and emotional.  Well I thought about it (hence the 24 hour delay) and that is why he has a HIBSIQ.  Also, I ran into an old SU college room mate at the Portland game who also has a HIBSIQ and he enlightened me on something even I didn't think about.  His regular IQ has always better than mine. So here we go...

#10 - To the right is a sink hole.  SU is 6-1 when leading at the break and 1-12 when trailing.  U of P blazed off to a 19 - 4 start hence creating a sink hole - even your IQ's of 6 should get this.

#9 - Look people, this is year two of full Division I play, yes last year was a winning season (17-14) but look at NJIT who came in at the same time and have won like 8 games in the last three years.

#8 - Because of number nine above the community expectations are high, which is great, but ensure you criticize with realistic criticism.  Cheer with your heart, think with your head, support with your soul!

#7 - This is a transition team, the whole team is not the recruiting class of the present coaching staff, albeit the guys have stepped up phenomenally, but it is a little like one chef starting a recipe and then walking out of the kitchen leaving the next chef to take over.  (Although I highly respect the last chef and the present chef - you with HIBSIQ understand this)  In a few years refer back to number eight and the last sentence.

#6 - Like baking a pie sometimes you run out of dough and have to improvise - the roster at the start of the season is not the same as it is today.  You play with the cards you are dealt and I think there are some aces still left in the deck.  If not, bluff or run the 1-2-1 press more often.

#5 - This is a marathon not a sprint - look, we already last year set a modern NCAA record for most wins in Division I transition!  We have an Independent Coach of the Year and an Independent Player of the Year.  Look at the historic records of Seattle U they lasted decades not a season.

#4 - Oh yes, speaking of "Independent," this is like being on the playground rousing around without supervision. Woot woot!  Yet, being the new kid on the block you get into class and all the kids and the teacher are looking at you with a skeptical eye.  HIBSIQ will get this.  Those of you who do not, it means the people in Zebra uniforms really warrant that you prove yourself if you want to be "in the club." - I think as a college freshman they call that hazing?

#3 - This program is not about the Chieftains, the Redhawks, or the Peacock mascot - it is about the competitiveness of Seattle University Basketball to be on par with the educational arm and the alumni arm in harmony to the vision of the President and the mission of the university to educate leaders for a just and humane world! Period! We should all be engaged behind it and ensure you use your HIBSIQ - or keep following this blog so you can increase that HIBSIQ.

#2 - If you want to stand on the sidelines and wait chitter chattering you are like the dog staring in his water reflection seeing the bone in his mouth and dropping the bone for the one he can't have.  This is a program in the infancy of something special - in all aspects. If you drop the opportunity now (the bone) don't come calling me when we are in the NCAA Tournament - I will already have my tickets.

#1 - If you want to criticize the coaching strategy game to game or program from year to year from your couch or your seat I suggest you rewind life and spend the 30 years of experience it takes to get to the spot they are at and you are not.  Or, increase your HIBSIQ and I encourage all to question the programs progress from a perspective in the spirit of the Jesuit Catholic teaching - its called learning how to think!

SU vs. Utah Valley this Wednesday at home in KeyArena and I will be scouting Willy the Wolverine Tuesday after I attend the SU Woman's game at SU 7 pm

Go Seattle U! - Don't forget Coach Dollars show Feb 7th 8 pm on KIRO 710 ESPN

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