Welcome SU Basketball Fans

Some humorous and insightful progress of our Seattle U Men's Basketball team from a rabid alumus- Season four in return to Division I

Monday, February 21, 2011

SU Redhawks vs. UW Huskies a "Three Part Series" Part 2

Part two.  Yes, I am sitting with a Husky tomorrow and yes he will be wearing purple and yes it's OK.  Principal Adams as I like to refer to him (that's because he is a Principal) has been a friend of mine since Jr High.  He and his lovely wife Kim (the better half) both graduated from the UW and I really can't hold that against them because they are lovely people.  The only time he wasn't a lovely person was when he was staying with my family and destroyed my brothers Lego airplanes and broke our ping pong table, other than that he has been good.

Now unlike the sometimes nasty (most times really) WSU/UW rivalry, we as Jesuit educated people and the renewed rivalry between SU and UW gets to be kind of "touchy feelgood" only because it's like old friends whom have been apart for a long time and now are back together not to unite the state, but to unite the city - Mountlake vs. Capital Hill, Monster PAC 10 vs. Little Independent.  Realistic high basketball IQ people know it is going to take a few more years before SU can begin to trash talk the Huskies. 

This is about reuniting the kids to play in the sandbox, the hype, the press, the pregame party, the battle at the Needle.  Now, let's be serious, none of you at the game wearing purple are going to be my friends for 40 minutes so let us get that straight. Yet I am glad you came to the party and we our creating an exciting new competition for the city of Seattle & Queen Ann businesses since Howard Schultz blew the last one.

To the right is a picture taken by me at my friend Principal Adams house on Lake Tapps - It was once a big tree that needed to be cut down and so he as a Husky stalwart had the base carved into a UW Husky Dog.  I being a stalwart SU Chieftain...opps I mean Redhawk (whatever) decided to dress up the Husky in the spirit of fun SU competition.  So this is what the renewed rivalry is all about - friends coming together with community of spirit, practical jokes and that is why Principal Adams is sitting courtside with me. I wearing red and he wearing purple.

How will the Redhawks compete tomorrow Tuesday February 22nd at KeyArena in front of 10,000 fans?  That my blog readers you will find out tomorrow morning for it will be all SU Tuesday for me!   Don't forget the pregame rally that night at 5:30 in the Center Pavilion and yes, purple is welcome - but don't expect me to talk to you.  Check out the Cameron Dollar Radio show tonight on KIRO 710 AM ESPN  8 pm with Groz & Gary Hill live at Jimmy's on Broadway.

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