Again playing in Key Arena Seattle University Men's Basketball promises to be even more exciting for the students, the Alumni and yes, the non alumni 'cause you got the best game in town' and it isn't on television, it's live kicking off in November. Better yet to note we have been accepted in the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) for the following 2012 season - yes the WAC, the second most powerful conference on the West Coast next to the Pac -something. Get out? Yep, right here in downtown Seattle.
Let's talk 2011 schedule - First, we play five teams this year that made it to the NCAA tournament. Get out? Yep. I will start off the season telling you that we can beat three of them- you all can bow to me later in the season. So back to the schedule. Home opener kicks off against the University of San Francisco of the Wacky Conference then Stanford, Idaho, Virginia, Utah Valley, Arkansas State and the defending WAC champions Utah State. Get out? Yep, all in Key Arena. I'll be there will you?
So let's talk team. Whoa! Loaded with height and athleticism Coach recruited the crap out of the country this past year. Can you say Eric Wallace 6-7 233 transfer from DePaul, can you say 6-5 205 guard out of Colorado and can you say we return the monster Senior Aaron Broussard and we are all waiting for UW transfer Clarence Trent at 6-6 225 to finally ht the court. Let's just throw in Louis Green a 6-9 240 pound center for good measure.
So here's the pitch
Stock is going up and as stock goes up so do ticket prices (fact, this year they lowered the prices) and Seattle U is not going anywhere but up so get in on the ground floor and see exciting collegiate basketball. Sixteen home games rows 2-4 season tickets for $315 that's $20 a game. Get out! Yep, hell you can even hear me in row one. And there's more deals - $225 per season for center court lower seats. Yep, then you can look down and see me talking 'smack' to the refs. There are even more deals as low as $108 for the year in the end zone for the entire season.
I'm just say'in this is the best sports entertainment in town and a great way to take the family or entertain corporate clients or reward employees. Your gonna be sad when we make the NIT this year and I have first shot before the public and your gonna be sad when we make the Big Dance and you will have no way in hell even touching a ticket.
I have an electronic form so if your convinced ping me at stevenfantello@comcast.com and get on the wagon even before the band does. I'll deliver the form personally to you if you like. Or call the ticket athletic office go online at www.goseattleu.com and tell them the Chieftain Chatter & Redhawk Report sent you. Oh, don't forget to mention that's me Steve Fantello.
Done for now from your 'rabid' alumnus and leader of the Courtside Club. You are also invited to "Select a Seat" day at the Key Thursday November 3rd from 3 -7 pm and test drive your new Ferrari.
Go Seattle U!
Wear Red Be Loud Be Proud!Warning: This is not an advertisement or solicitation just good 'ol fashion guerrilla love for my Redhawks and the student athlete within the Jesuit educational experience:)
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